Less Elementary 3-1
Lesson 3
Put the words in brackets in the right order to make a question. Don?t forget the question mark! (?)
Example: (you, where, live, do) ? Where do you live?
Put the words in brackets in the right order to make a question. Don?t forget the question mark! (?)
Example: (you, where, live, do) ? Where do you live?
Lesson 6 Practice: Put but or so in the blanks to connect the first part of the sentence with the second. The film was very long, _but_ it was interesting. so_ we got home late. The restaurant is very expensive, the food is terrible. only rich people go there. I?m studying hard, I don?t…
Lesson 4 Complete the sentences with compound words. 1) She said but I didn’t understand anything. 2) Has found my blue pencil? No, I’m sorry. 3) Would help me, please? Yes, I can help you. 4) Have you got to eat? No, I haven’t. 5) Tom, can you give me to drink, please? 6) Is…
Lesson 1 Jake is talking about his life. Put the correct past participles in the gaps. I have 1) (see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I have 2) (do) a lot of interesting things. I have 3) (travel) in North and South America, for example. I have 4) (visit) all the…
Lesson 6 Connect the ideas in the following possibilities using either? or. Possibility A: She?s at the office. Possibility B: She?s at the airport. Possibility A: Paul is at home. Possibility B: Paul is at the sports centre. Possibility A: The shop is on East Street. Possibility B: The shop is on Fox Street. Possibility…
Lesson 10 Reading and Vocabulary: Read the following story. Pay attention to the words you are unfamiliar with. Write them down. Woman Lies about Winning the Lottery A 39-year-old woman admitted that she had lied. She claimed that she bought the latest winning lottery ticket in Massachusetts, but then lost it. The ticket was worth…
Lesson 1 Vocabulary and Reading: Cooking Here is a crossword to practice your food vocabulary: http://iteslj.org/cw/1/vm-food.html A School Girl Sues Her School A straight-A student got a C in cooking class and didn’t like it. She didn’t like it so much that her dad filed a complaint in federal court about it. He alleges that…
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