Less Pre-Intermediate 6-6
Lesson 6
Present Progressive – Exceptions in Spelling
Exercise on Exceptions 1
Write down the ing form of the following words. Mind the exceptions in spelling.
Present Progressive – Exceptions in Spelling
Exercise on Exceptions 1
Write down the ing form of the following words. Mind the exceptions in spelling.
Lesson 3 Documento sin título Cracking the Business Casual Dress Code by Mary Lou Andre: Monster Contributing Writer The American workplace is much different than it was five years ago: Everything from corporate structure and hiring practices to work schedules and compensation has been affected. But these important areas are not the only marked differences in…
Lesson 5 Documento sin título Change these passive sentences to active sentences. Example: The thief was being chased by the cops. The cops were chasing the thief. The table was being cleaned by the waitress. Some food was ordered by the customer. Terrence was taken to the police station by the cops. The test…
Lesson 3 Documento sin título Questions in Past Perfect Simple Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1.(what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school? 2.(you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre? 3.(he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow? 4.(she / find) a new job…
Lesson 1 Documento sin título Look at Johns schedule for tonight: 5:00pm Dinner with my parents. 6:00pm Help Jeff move to his new apartment. 7:00pm 8:00pm Drive Carrie to the airport. 9:00pm Coffee with Amy. 10:00pm Study at the library with Angie. 11:00pm Beer with Jerry 12:00pm Do homework 1:00 am Sleep. 2:00am …
Lesson 1 Documento sin título Read this example dialogue to understand Future Progressive: On the telephone: Angie: Hi John, it?s Angie. How are you? John: I?m fine, Angie. How are you? Angie: I need some help with my homework. Are you going to be doing a lot tonight? I can come and meet you…
Lesson 4 Documento sin título Reading and Vocabulary: Business Vocabulary and Terms Please familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary and read the article below. Counterfeit Authority Investigation Annually Intercept Penalize Innovation Fake Electronics Trade Phoney Estimate Devastating Criminal Auction Determined Tremendously Illegal Raid Distribution Show your understanding of the vocabulary by filling in the…
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