Less Intermediate 2-3
Lesson 2
Positive Sentences in Present Perfect Simple
Write positive sentences in present perfect simple
The following people have just completed an action.
Positive Sentences in Present Perfect Simple
Write positive sentences in present perfect simple
The following people have just completed an action.
Lesson 1 Documento sin título Verb Tense Review: Use the words in brackets to fill in the blanks and complete this letter. Make sure to use the correct verb tense and auxiliary verbs (do. have, be, etc.) Dear Adam, Hi! Remember me? (Just a joke!) I (write, not) _haven?t written_ to you for at least…
Lesson 7 Documento sin título These events are out of order. Put these sentences into chronological paragraphs using first, next, then, after that, and finally. 1. I take a shower. I have breakfast. I get dressed. I catch the number 96 bus. I walk to the bus stop. 2. I enjoy my dinner. I take…
Lesson 7 Documento sin título Road to greener business Business of flapperless toilet Mary Teresa Bitti, Financial Post Published: Friday, November 02, 2007 Phil Hennessy, the man behind the first flapperless toilet, is just waiting to hear a stranger say, "Excuse me, I have to go for a Hennessy," because then he will know his invention…
Lesson 4 Documento sin título Parrotfish to aid reef repair By Rebecca Morelle BBC News A vividly coloured fish could be the key to saving the Caribbean’s coral reefs from plummeting into terminal decline, scientists claim. Their research forecasts that reefs risk being damaged beyond repair by the influx of seaweed. But urgent action such…
Lesson 7 Documento sin título Write a paragraph about a process you do regularly. Use the words First, then, after that, next, and finally. Next Exercise
Lesson 1 Documento sin título Reading and Vocabulary: Living With Animals Please familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary and read the article below. Blindfolded Wrestled Location Rehabilitation Orphaned Development Statistics Advocates Traditional Attractive Collisions Especially Responsible Municipality Estimating Increasing Maintenance High-risk Dangerous Injured Significant Equipment Disadvantage Roadkills Show your understanding of the vocabulary by filling…
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