Less Pre-Intermediate 5-9

Lesson 5

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Accra, Ghana Celebrates 50 Years
By Karen Lotter, Suite101.com, March 15, 2007
Ghana in West Africa has just celebrated its 50th anniversary. Stop off in the capital Accra and join the party on your way to safari, eco tours or the slave routes.

Join the year long party. Ghana in West Africa turns 50 this year, and in true Ghanaian style they will be celebrating all year long.

It is true that Ghana has countless faces. Some regard it as the home of cultural Africa that embraces with dignity, the dark days of slavery. Others come to explore its biodiversity or come on safari in its 16 national parks. Then there are the beautiful, clean beaches and a lazy West- African fishing, or water sport holiday.
Accra has plenty to offer
Accra is the county’s seaside capital with nearly two million residents. It is a mixture of big city  business and laid-back African ease. It is well worth your while to spend a few days in the capital on route to wherever else you are heading. Accra has plenty to offer visitors and will provide you with a memorable experience. And remember, you don’t need to be rolling in money to visit Africa – a dollar or pound or Euro goes a long way here.
According to Wikitravel, accommodation in Accra ranges from hero to zero. “There are many options including lavish hotels or more rustic places to stay. For periods of a few months, there is a possibility of renting a house.”
Slave routes
If f you’ve come to Ghana to experience the slave routes along the coast, first stop in at the George Padmore Library; the Du Bois Memorial Centre and the University of Ghana at Legon where you will find rich repositories of knowledge of the chronicles of the African Diaspora.

There are records and manuscripts here for serious searchers and people willing to assist.

Why not start your sightseeing at the perpetual flame in Independence Square (aka Black Star Square) and then wander down to Jamestown, the oldest part of Accra – it hasn’t been restored, but it is well worth a visit.
You’ll need to spend two or three hours at the National Museum and you can’t miss the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, the last resting place of the first President of Ghana, a famous Pan-Africanist. There is a small museum about his life. It’s located right next to the Arts Centre.
Accra‘s Beaches
Accra also has some beaches, some more touristy than others – and at some you’ll have to pay. But the better beaches, of course, are always away from the cities. Out in the suburbs there are beach parties in the evenings, so ask around.
The most touristy area of Accra is Osu. It’s located quite close to the Art Centre and Independence Square. The area around there has plenty of good hotels and restaurants of all kinds. For those who prefer Ghanaian food better or would like to try it for the first time, ask for a recommendation to a good chop bar.
African Nightlife
African nightlife is hectic. In Accra you will find bars, clubs, pubs, parties – whatever you wish, playing music – from hip hop to traditional swing – you choose, depending on the crowd you choose to mix with.





Worth your while – This means that you will get an advantage by doing something.
Studying hard in high school will be worth your while when you apply to universities.
Buying travel insurance before taking a trip could be worth your while. You may need it.


Rolling in (money) – This means that something comes in large amounts, usually consistently.
Jasper just got promoted as the Vice President of the company. He is rolling in the money now!
You should shut all the windows. The wind is starting to roll in. It’s going to be a big storm!

True or False:

1. Ghana is in South America.

2. The population of Accra is about two million.

3. There are often beach parties in the evening in the suburbs.

4. Ghana is fifty years old.

5. Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum is the current president of Ghana.


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