Less Intermediate 1-1
Lesson 1
Verb Tense Review: Use the words in brackets to fill in the blanks and complete this letter. Make sure to use the correct verb tense and auxiliary verbs (do. have, be, etc.)
Verb Tense Review: Use the words in brackets to fill in the blanks and complete this letter. Make sure to use the correct verb tense and auxiliary verbs (do. have, be, etc.)
Lesson 6 Documento sin título Complete these sentences with your own words. Example: I?not?because I?ve already?.. I?m not hungry because I?ve already eaten. OR I?m not going to go to the movie because I?ve already seen it. 1. I used to ?. , but?.anymore. 2. I can?t ?.. because I haven?t?.. yet. 3. Are…
Lesson 8 Documento sin título Vocabulary: Business and Money Please familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary and read the article below. Competitor Spokesperson Materials Useless Convenience Tremendous Standard Roaming Information Exchange Applications Independent Marketed Data Flexible Subsidize Advance Customer Show your understanding of the vocabulary by filling in the blanks. 1. There is a lot…
Lesson 3 Documento sin título Vocabulary and Reading: Living with Animals Please familiarize yourself with the following vocabulary and read the article below. Researcher Technology Fingerprint Population Technique Affecting Data Inclusivity Climate Estimating Controversial Increasingly Pressures Threat Lucrative Maintained Tranquilizing Harvesting Tracker Paternalistic Crucial Genetic Procedure Dynamic Show your understanding of the vocabulary by filling…
Lesson 1 Documento sin título Young deer hustled out of town Orphaned fawns from rehab centre are being taken to isolated area Judith Lavoie, Times Colonist Published: Friday, September 21, 2007 A group of eight young deer was blindfolded and wrestled into a horse trailer before being driven to a secret location on the west coast…
Lesson 2 Documento sin título Groups Alter Tactics With Rise in Abandoned Pets By AIMÉE HARRIS Published: October 14, 2007 THE number of illegal pets and abandoned animals on Long Island has increased so much in recent years that animal groups are adjusting how they respond. Recent cases of abandoned animals have gone beyond cats…
Lesson 7 Documento sin título Road to greener business Business of flapperless toilet Mary Teresa Bitti, Financial Post Published: Friday, November 02, 2007 Phil Hennessy, the man behind the first flapperless toilet, is just waiting to hear a stranger say, "Excuse me, I have to go for a Hennessy," because then he will know his invention…
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